ResÃduos culturais e literÃrios do medievo europeu cristalizados na identidade do herÃi sertanejo / Waste cultural and literary medieval European identity crystallized in the backcountry hero


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




The Romance of the Stone Kingdom is narrated by the protagonist Pedro Dinis Ferreira Quaderni that after being arrested by authorities of the Estado Novo in Taperoà writes his epic, his memorial, from the stories of their ancestors. The imagery that colors the stone of the kingdom in a fantastic setting in which the transfiguration of the world backcountry is filtered through the eyes of the narrator Quaderni, from a remnant of the medieval mind thought Europe, presents the daily life of wilderness surrounded by what we call the Northeast Medieval To be understood in the work by the Theory of Literary and Cultural Waste. The theory seeks to prove the role of imagination, memory and culture of the peoples of literary production, bringing to light the mental substrates that have been absorbed by the author and who were employed in the production of literary texts, aesthetically recycled through crystallization. The crystallization of cultural and literary waste is the constant re-elaboration of the experiences, memory and tradition in a new imaginative context, the work that brings new creative possibilities that will become responsible for generating a speech act between reader and text by the process of identifying oneself and for others, besides allowing to enunciate a plan "openness of meaning" which establishes new relations between signifiers and their meaning, forged in the mind, consciously or unconsciously, creating a permanent waste reality, sediment (ethnic, cultural, historical, artistic, etc..), which will again create symbolic materials.


letras residualidade cultural identidade mentalidade residuality culture identity mentality suassuna,ariano,1927- - personagens - quaderna teoria da residualidade(literatura) literatura medieval sertanejos - usos e costumes

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