Requisitos para a leitura do enunciado da prova de redação de vestibular / Writing task reading


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




Since last five years, the most known São Paulo universities entrance examination as UNESP, USP and UNICAMP have required reading proficiency, specially in writing task. Those tasks offer to the candidates verbal text fragments and they have to infer the theme (or the context) or it is offered to them a set of text fragments extracted from different sources that has to be used in their compositions. In my activities as writing attendance teacher in high school level, I have observed that the set of text the students have to use in their compositions has been used by different ways and, frequently, in insufficient and inappropriate way. Considering that leading students to interpret different kind of texts is one of the school maim role and that the reading comprehension ability is the basic requirement for text production examination, this study assumes as main purpose analyzing: a) announcement, b) text production examination writing task (proposition and the set of texts), carried on by UNESP, USP and UNICAMP, in 2007. The data were composed by three writing task (dissertation). The results have shown that: a) each writing task was elaborated in accordance to the announcement spread by the university; b) the writing task required several scientific areas knowledge.


leitura prova de redação vestibulares coletânea intertextualidade reading writing task examination set of texts linguistica aplicada

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