Reproductive characteristics of Curimba (Prochilodus lineatus), Pacu (Piaractus mesopotamicus) and Piracanjuba (Brycon orbignyanus). / Caracteristicas reprodutivas de curimba (Prochilodus lineatus), Pacu ( Piaractus mesopotamicus) e Piracajuba ( Brycon orbignyanus)




The objective of present work was to study the reproductive characteristics of rheophilic fishes in different period (November, December, and January) of three reproductive years. The study was carry out in the âFish Farming Laboratoryâ of the âEnvironmental Stationâ of Itutinga (CEMIG) and in the âPharmacology and Physiology Laboratoryâ of the DMV- UFLA with the evaluation of the species Piaractus mesopotamicus, Brycon orbignyanus and Prochilodus lineatus, selected from animals with evident reproductive characteristics. The animals were separated into three classes of weigh and submitted to the technique of hormonal induction with hypophysis of âcarpaâ . It was weighted the spawning of each female, collected 20 μL of semen for the mobility and morphology analysis and spermatic concentration of each male. The fertility rate was evaluated 8 hours after fertilization. The weigh of spawning was evaluated only for P. lineatus and B. orbignyanus; the quality of semen for P. lineatus only, and the fertility rate evaluated for the three species. There was a larger number of P. lineatus males able to reproduction in the class âlightâ in January (P<0,05). There was no significant difference (P>0,05) for the number of females able to reproduction in the species P. lineatus and B. orbignyanus related to class of weigh and period. The weigh of animals affected the weight of spawning of P. lineatus , observing higher spawning weigh for the heavier animals. The spawning weight for P. lineatus and B. orbigyanus was higher in December and in January. It was found significant differences for fertility rate, in the different years, for the P. mesopotamicus but not for P. lineatus and B. orbignyanus. The P. lineatus presented semen with higher spermatic concentration at the end of reproduction with difference in the number of minors spermatic pathologies from the beginning to the end of reproduction. It was concluded the evaluated reproductive aspects are better at the end of reproduction for the species Prochilodus lineatus (spawning weight, frequency of light males and spermatic concentration) and Brycon orbigyanus (spawning weight and number of light males), denoting that the reproduction of these species in captivity condition can be done without loss in the reproductive quality of the animals. A selection of P. lineatus and B. orbignyanus males, from classes of heavy and medium weight, for hormonal induction, may have priority at the beginning and in the half of the reproductive year. The Piaractus mesopotamicus presents more affected by weather conditions, of reproductive years, than by weight and time in the reproductive year.


reproduÃÃo piracanjuba zootecnia curimba pacu piracanjuba pacu reproduction curimba

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