Reprodução e cultivo de bivalves límnicos ameaçados de extinção: uma estratégia para a conservação do gênero Diplodon (Spix, 1827) (Mollusca, Hyriidae) / Reproduction and cultivation of threatened freshwater mussels: a strategy for the conservation of the genus (Spix, 1827) (Mollusca, Hyriidae)




The freshwater mussels, or naides of the order Unionoida, representing the largest radiation of the bivalves in freshwater, with six families, 181 genera and 800 species, are found on all continents, and currently represent the group of freshwater animals in higher risk of extinction. The most dramatic decline and extinction of freshwater mussels are the modification and destruction of habitat, global climate change and the introduction of exotic aquatic animals (not native). This taxon is the only member of the class Bivalvia recognized for having a parasitic larval stage in their life cycle, which involves a compulsory relationship with a vertebrate host, usually a fish, and a highly modified larva, the gloquídium or lasídium. This feature of the life cycle is a major component of any plan for the conservation of freshwater mussel. In order to propagate the species that are endangered, we sought to develop viable techniques for obtaining juveniles in the laboratory by artificial cultivation (in vitro) of gloquídios. Through the methodology used was obtained juveniles over 30 days of the species D. expansus, D. rotundus gratus and D. martensi. Beyond this result, this study developed a new medium for the glochidias larvae, based on an extract of dried fish.


aquaculture aquicultura biodiversidade biodiversity conservação conservation hyriidae hyriidae reprodução reproduction

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