Reprodução assistida, bioética e discurso científico : estratégias discursivas da revista Veja nos anos 2001 e 2002




This dissertation focus on discourse strategies about Assisted Human Reproduction, as they appear in Veja magazine during the years 2001 and 2002. Discourse analysis, as it is worked out here, is based on Foucaults conceptions and it employs two techniques: discourse series analysis and enunciation analysis. The dissertation describes derivations of enunciation stemming from Bioethics, considering that its regularity prevails on the normative aspect. As the research points out, those reports about assisted reproduction develop series of discourse which pass through and are related with advertising and topics such as ethnicity, race, medical-clinical procedures, Ethics, regulations, interests, campaigns and family. Those series of discourse take part on reflections about assisted reproduction that are among the concerns of Bioethics. The enunciation of the reports describe how those discourses are made public with arrangements that favours comprehension by lay readers, being also adapted to the interests of journalistic production. Journalistic discourse strategies, as the analysis reveals, has some relation with the discourse of Science, but it also bears certain autonomy. This dissertation aims to contribute with studies on Bioethics, so that the media can be considered a set of institutions of mediation between the thought and action of Science and social life.


bioética bioethics discourse strategies discurso científico reprodução humana assistida assisted human reproduction ciencias da saude cientific discourse cientific jornalism jornalismo científico

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