Representações sociais sobre ser professor: indícios da constituição da identidade docente / Social Representations about being a teacher: evidence of the formation of teacher identity


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




The present study aims to analyze the social representations of teachers who have finished the Pedagogy course, with up to six years of experience. It also aims to understand the construction of the professional identity. Considering the current social changes our society has been going through, changes which seem to affect directly the educational context, it is possible to observe the difficulty teachers feel when it comes to defining their real role in the life of students, therefore creating an identity crisis. In this sense, it is believed that the opinions of teachers should be brought to the scenario to raise questions on the meanings attributed to being a teacher. In order to provide an answer to these questions, the construction of social representations is fundamental as an analytical basis. It is also necessary to try to understand the influence of academic experience and work experience on the construction of such representations. As for the identity category, axis of this study, it can be said that it is constituted along with the socialization process, which means that identities are built within social and cultural interaction. Thus, it is important to emphasize the initial teacher formation and the discussions on the professionalization of teachers. A qualitative research was carried out through the use of questionnaires and semi-structured interviews. The interviews were analyzed through the content technique of Bardin (1995). In order to accomplish this piece of research 15 teachers were interviewed and the social representations of this group revealed the existence of a conflictuous articulation between two identity processes: one being the identity teachers attribute to themselves and the other contemplates the identity attributed to teachers by society in general. The predominance of a moral and affective dimension related to teaching was also revealed as a result of the study.


educacao representações sociais identidade docente formação de professores social representations teacher identity training of teachers

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