Representações sociais em responsabilidade social corporativa: imagens e substâncias refletidas pelo olhar dos trabalhadores.




At an era characterized by a society focused on the media, in which the substance of facts is substitute by image and show, man finds himself land the erosion of humanitarian values and ethics in social relationships. Trade globalization has reinforced the economic concentration and the social inequalities among rich and poor countries, in which the Welfare State signs collapse, threatening the life quality of the majority. Within this scenario, the actions of the civil society, of the consumers, as well as of the workers, put pressure on the private sector in order to adopting more responsible and ethical attitudes. The convergence of these factors has spread Corporate Responsibility, which became object of academic studies on the perception and behavior of consumers and shareholders. In considering the complexity of this phenomenon and the paradox observed between the corporations social rhetoric and the praxis inside the companies, the main objective of the current dissertation is studying the social representations related to the corporative social responsibility among the workers of an industry located in Camaçari Petrochemical Complex / Bahia / Brazil. It was used a case study qualitative methodology, by adopting the Theory of the Social Representations as theoretical reference and were found in the workers discourses four approaches on the senses and meanings of corporative social responsibility. The relevance of this research can be verified by the socially unfavorable condition of this actor (the worker) historically submitted to the corporate values. In this regard, there should be deeper analysis on the coherence between the speeches made by the companies and the real corporative practices, especially, concerning their relations with the workers and suppliers.


poder organizações corporative citizenship workers corporative social responsibility trabalhadores organizations cidadania corporativa ethics administracao de pessoal representações sociais social representations responsabilidade social empresarial power ética

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