Representações sociais das gestantes sobre a gravidez e a consulta de enfermagem no pré-natal / Social Representations of Pregnant pacients about pregnany and nurse atendance




Considered as an important moment of the womans life, the pregnancy sinthetizes the sum of ambivalent feelings: fear, cheerfulness and self fulfilment. Thinking about the importance of this event led me to reflect on the nursing attendance in pre natal process as the space the pregnant women have to express their necessities. This study aims at learning and analyzing the social representations of pregnant women attended in Centro de Saúde N.11 of Brasilia, about the nursing attendance, with the objective of offering subsidies to improve the quality of the assistance. The work primarily developed was the characterization of the profile of the pregnant women attended in the pre natal process of the year 2004, examining the attendance files. There were semi structured interviews with 13 pregnant women. In order to organize data, I applied the software ALCESTE, with the intention to learn from the collective speech and to identify the meaning shared by these women. The results of the lexical analyses showed that their speech were organized around three axes and six thematic classes which specifies: Axe I - living the pregnancy: shows the significative elements about the experience the women are living during their pregnancy, which makes possible to identify and understand how they notice they were pregnant as well as the biological and emotional changes. Axe II Receiving orientations about the pregnancy: There are representations appointed by the pregnant women about the pre natal nursing attendance which reveals the nature of the attendance to the pregnant, as well as the orientations given to them, wether to experience well the pregnancy process, as well as to reveal the care of the associated family planning mainly for the methods of pregnancy control. Axe III taking care of the baby: the pregnant women, through their representations reveal that the care provided to the newly born is centered in the biological model, in the principles of higiene and prevention of the diseases, for the growth and development, and the breast feeding, as an important practice for the baby and the mother. Even when the nursing consultation represented as an interactive and welcoming space it is necessary to rethink the paradigm of normative attendance which is informative and centered in the Biological Model. In order to achieve this end, the nurses should reinforce the paradigm of integrality along with the orientations to the pregnant women concerning the care which involves the pre natal process.


saúde da mulher valores sociais educação em saúde ciencias da saude cuidado pré-natal prenatal care

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