Representações do Intelectual: um estudo sobre Mayombe e Kikia Matcho / Representations of the intellectual: a study of Mayombe and Kikia Matcho


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




The present thesis introduces a reflection around the intellectual role of Angola and Guinea-Bissau before the collective memory recovery of these countries. When discussing marks from the literary and cultural past of these countries, it tries to define perspectives of historical and political affirmation, through individual attitudes and cultural movements that pushed the independence revolution. It has became necessary, under this perspective, a multi disciplinary approach in order to characterize the figure of the intellect as literary construction of the imaginary that, simultaneously, builds in the flow of the textual fruition the historic caudal of the victorious revolutionary achievement. As well as this image is present in two paradigmatic writers of the Angolan and Guinean literature: Pepetela and Filinto de Barros, where we find associated the fictionist and the citizen, they favor the discussion of the intellects role in their countries and of the artistic discourse strategies they took advantage from, having as historic subject the fight for national emancipation of their countries and the ups and downs of the after independence period. Therefore, in the thesis it is problematized the literary praxis sense of these writers, before these two historical moments, as well as the relation that this praxis establishes with the todays African societies, always emphasizing the intellects representation games.


angola angola engajamento literário filinto de barros filinto de barros guiné-bissau guinea-bissau literary engagement literatura e revolução literature and revolution pepetela pepetela representações do intelectual representation of the intellectual

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