Representações de Hiroshima: a problemática da representação a partir de Gen Pés Descalços / Representations of Hiroshima: the issues of representation from Braefoot Gen


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




The purpose of this paper is to reflect and understand how the representations about the horror are build, especially of Hiroshima, focusing on the violent event of the atomic bomb from the narrative of Nakazawa Keiji, Barefoot Gen, making links with other works that also represent catastrophe. To this end, a discussion was held about the possibility of writing and the horror of the catastrophe, the historical discourse and representations, the question of memory, history and writing, the dimensions of the building itself by its author, the political and ideological surroundings are part of the representations and, finally, the question of the possibility of the experience with the real.


barefoot gen bomba de hiroshima gen pés descalços hiroshima bomb história history memória memory representação representation

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