Representações de doença mental elaboradas por profissionais atuantes na estratégia saúde da família / Representations of mental illnesses drawn by professionals who work with the Family Health Strategy.




Family Health Strategy is a model of health assistance that can make Psychiatric Reform viable by treating the mental disordered patients in a communital service offered by Family Health Units (FHU), which are found in previously defined regions. Several government actions favor a network for mental health assistance: specialist orientation for primary health care; secondary services, such as PCCs (Psychosocial Care Centers); psychiatric beds in general hospitals. This study intends to identify the representations of mental illnesses draw by health professionals who work in a FHU. This is a descriptive and qualitative project, where a case study method was used. Data were collected by Thematic Presentative-Expressive Procedure (TPEP) in interviews with nineteen subjects with varied background: doctor, nurse, nurse assistant, dentist, dentist assistant, health communital agents, administrative assistant and general assistant. The data were analysed by Thematic Analysis. The themes obtained were: mental illness related to health care; mental illness related to medical-centered view; mental illness related to the binomial exclusion/inclusion; mental illness related to environment. The analysis emphasizes that the representations of mental illnesses are related to the biologicist paradigm, which reproduces prejudice. On the other hand, attachment was pointed as an important factor on the patient care process. According to the interviewees, family members hardly take part in the treatment because they do not see themselves as an important part of the therapeutic project. In the same manner, the health service cannot see itself as part of the community. Thus, this work points out the necessity of a deconstruction on the pro-asylum attitude that is still intrinsically present among the health professionals, following the paradigmatic change proposed by the Psychiatric Reform, which is mostly difficult to achieve in places historically known as homes of asylums. Under this perspective, mental health care is also affected by professional formation, in an attempt to transform ideoaffective contents presented by the health team imaginary, which is the team caring for the mental disorder patients who live within their attended region.


family health strategy. equipe de saúde mental illness estratégia saúde da família. health team representações doença mental representations

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