Representação da natureza, transformações espaciais e turismo em Brotas/SP




This work consists in a case study whose concern is to understand the decurrent space transformations of the appropriation of the space for the tourist activity in the city of Brotas/SP. Appropriation that gives in such a way in its how much symbolic than material scope, resulting in marks in the Landscape that become possibilities of reading and interpretation. The process of appropriation of the space for the tourist activity in you sprout had beginning in the beginning of the decade of 1990, more necessarily in the year of 1993, when of the insta1lation of the first travel agency in the city. Supported in the representation of the nature in the society contemporary, supported in the developed enviromentalism ideals in ocident from the end of the decade of 1960, the tourism in Vou sprout was if legitimizing as a beneficial activity for the city, thus initiating a process of fetichization of the natural spaces of this, fetichization this that if extends all for the city as we evidence by means of interviews with tourist, inhabitants and by means of the analysis of the proper tourist advertising. It had, therefore, the necessity to argue the process that takes the current representation of the nature in the society contemporary occidental person whom if it initiates with the hegemony of the racionalist ideal and to the few it is increased of the romantic and naturalistic ideaIs that emerge in centuries:xvrn and XIX (that they go to serve of support for the enviromentalists projects that emerge as form to decide the ambient problems contemporaries) and the appropriation of these ideals and projects for the tourist advertising, as form of mercantilism of the nature and consequence appropriation of the natural spaces. In the case of you sprout, we can say that appropriation of the space for the tourist activity if gives in isolated places e, also we can say at least that it has a control of the development of this appropriation for the agents local politicians, for the time being, since the tourist activity in you sprout reveals extremely attractive to the great external investors of the sector. Due to the present time of the phenomenon in Vou sprout, this study in alIows them to also analyze the process of fetichização of the space for the tourism in its principies, since much little of the space was transformed still. As well as, no change was felt in habitus and local customs, what it also denotes an inexistent appropriation in the local way of life, common fact in the places of which the tourist activity if it appropriates. However, in you sprout, this appropriation reveals ascending. We see that appropriation of the natural spaces, especially, denotes in this in case that a valuation of the agricultural space, determining a new logic in the appropriation of the natural spaces and a new determination of its use, that if would disconnect of its historical development and would pass to be determined by the tourist activity. The appropriation of the urban space for the tourist activity also is given of isolated, but ascending form, from some points of the city of Sprouts, valuing these spaces and determining a new logic of development of these places, more not determined for the logic of production historicaly constructed, but with the objective to shelter the tourist services


geografia fisica meio ambiente geografia humana turismo - brotas

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