Replacement of sugar cane bagasse neutral detergent fiber (ndf) by soybean hull ndf in high grain diets fed to feedlot lambs. / Substituição da fibra em detergente neutro (FDN) do bagaço de cana-de-açúcar in natura pela FDN da casca de soja em dietas contendo alta proporção de concentrado para cordeiros confinados.




Three trials were conduced to evaluate the replacement of sugar cane bagasse (SB) by soybean hulls (SH) as NDF source on lambs fed a high grain feedlot diet. A performance trial (Trial I) with 60 Santa Ines ram lambs (16.4 kg BW and 67 days old), was conduced on a factorial arrangement, in a complete randomized block design, with 5 treatments and six replications. The treatments were: 100C (all concentrate diet), SB14 (95% concentrate and 5% SB), SB18 (90% concentrate and 10% SB), SH14 (92% concentrate and 8% SH) and SH18 (88% concentrate and 12% SH). Diets were isoproteic, and the levels of NDF were adjusted to be 14% (SB14 and SH14) or 18% (SB18 and SH18) for both NDF sources. Animals on SH diets had higher ADG (P=0.07) than animals on SB. 100C diet decreased (P=0.09) dry matter intake (PV 0.75 ) compared to diets containing fiber sources (SB or SH). There was no difference (P>0.10) on feed conversion. An interaction (P<0.07) among NDF source and level was observed for the hot and cold carcasses yields. SH at 18% NDF had higher carcasses yields than SB at the same NDF level. On digestibilty trial (Trial II), five Santa Ines ram lambs (35.6 kg BW and 172 days old), were used in a 5 x 5 Latin square design. Experimental treatments were the same as those used on Trial I. Diets with fiber sources (SH or SB) increased (P<0.05) dry matter (DM), organic matter (OM) and NDF intakes compared to 100C diet. NDF intake (P<0.025) and nutrient digestibilities (P<0.001) were affected by fiber sources, with improved DM, OM and NDF digestibilities for SH treatments compared to SB. During the Trial I a behavioral evaluation (Trial III) was performed. Diets containing fiber sources had an increased (P<0.05) eating, ruminating and chewing times (minutes/day and minutes/g NDF) compared to 100C diet. SB increased (P<0.0001) the rumination activity in relation to SH (minutes/day and minutes/g NDF). There were interactions of NDF levels and sources for time spent feeding (P<0.002) and chewing activities (P<0.03) (minutes/day and minutes/g NDF), where higher for SB in both NDF levels (14 or 18%). SH resulted in higher weight gain and nutrient digestibilities than SB, although, the results indicate that NDF from SH has only 14% of physical effectiveness of SB. However, SB improved rumination and chewing activities when lambs were fed high grain diets.


hulls soja. animal feeding behaivour comportamento ingestivo animal fibra fiber bagasse dieta animal digestibilidade sugar cane cana-de-açúcar desempenho animal cascas digestibility animal performance soybean. lambs bagaços animal diet cordeiros

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