Repercussões da gravidez prolongada sobre os resultados perinatais




Between January 1986 and June 1988 there were 6.040 deliveries at the Centro de Atenção Integral à Saúde da Mulher (CAISM). A pre-coded form was completed for each delivery, according to the instructions in the Coding Manual. Only 2.151 forms complied with the criteria defined for the study: single fetus, more than 37 complete weeks of amenorrhea confirmed by Capurro s index (plus/minus two weeks), with no clinical problem during pregnancy and delivery, regular menstrual cycles and known date of last menstruation. A total of 185 (3,06%) post-term pregnancies were identified and compared with a control group of women with term pregnancies. No siginificant difference was observed in perinatal mortality. But other results were different when comparing both groups. Among women with post-term pregnancies the following were more frequent: meconium stained amniotic fluid; induction of labor; cesarean section because of fetal distress and cephalo-pelvic disproportion. Weight and height of the fetus were larger and Apgar scores at first minute was lower in the same group.


ginecologia gravidez - duração

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