Remuneração variável para professores: revisão da literatura e desdobramentos no estado de São Paulo / Teacher performance pay: literature review and implementation in São Paulo (State)


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




The following study aims to contribute to the ongoing debate on performance pay for teachers. Through an analysis of the bibliography focused on the field, an effort is made in trying to grasp whether the various proposals of performance pay systems should be considered a good strategy to enhancing the quality of education in Brazil. Starting with a description of Brazilian teachers by means of a brief account of the profession and an analysis of the attractiveness, retention and development of teachers, the study then addresses the origins and common characteristics of performance-based payment programs, as well as their peculiarities. Some performance pay proposals (currently been discussed or already implemented in Brazil, both in the federal or state level) were selected in order to better illustrate two given models, focusing on the policies carried out by the São Paulo State Secretary of Education.


educational policy educational quality payment política educacional professores - desempenho qualidade da educação salários teachers performance

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