Remediation Process Valuing at UST Sites / Valoração ambiental de processos de remediação de áreas contaminadas por hidrocarbonetos do petróleo




In Brazil there are about 30 thousand gasoline service stations where Underground Storage Tanks (UST) is found and a great number of them raise serious environmental issues by contaminating soil and groundwater. Those issues are provoked due to hydrocarbons derivate from petroleum leakages, originated from bad physical installations, equipment failures or poor operational procedures. Contaminated sites recovery and negative externals dimension of those leakages are always subject in the communication media, especially when there is risk to human healthy or in cases of explosion risk. This publicity may create an atmosphere for a greater society gathering over that subject, who is concerned about public healthy and environmental issues, so it may result in a higher commitment in the environmental care. In order to reduce or even eliminate those environmental questions it is essential that all parts, involved on this situation oil companies, gasoline stations, government (especially environmental agencies) and communities are aware of its dimensions and also that they may have full access to environmental management tolls that may allow the commitment of all parts in the development of studies to provide solutions. At this point of view, environmental evaluation is a toll to measure the affected community perception in an oil leakage situation (willingness to accept) and also to evaluate budget required for site clean up services, allowing companies provide remediation chronograms for their environmental liabilities. In this study, 335 citizens from São Paulo where interviewed in order to check their knowledge about the extension and consequences of oil leakage in gasoline stations and it was concluded that they need more information about that subject. On the other hand, environmental impacts perception originated from landfills, polluted rivers, industries are generally easier detectably externalities than gasoline stations impacts. Therefore once oil leakage environmental impacts is presented, interviewed people that might be exposed to that scenery concerns are shown, mainly about their family healthy consequences, fact that resulted in a bitter protest answer (null valor) over the willingness to acceptation . In other words, citizens from São Paulo interviewed in this research expressed the willingness to be preserved from contaminated sites exposition, and also the willingness to be paid for their estate loss value in oil leakage situations, so they can move to another place This is an important observation, because it might become petroleum hydrocarbons environmental remediation process appraisal closer to supply all parts involved in the discussion necessities, especially the community one


valoração ambiental posto de serviço valoração contingente brownfield environmental site assessment outros remediação avaliação de risco valuing of environmental impacts service station contingent valuation method Áreas contaminadas passivo ambiental remediation risk-based corrective action

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