"Religião, Sociedade e Educação: a atuação do padre demócrito Mendes de Barros em Serrinha (BA): 1950-1992" / Religion, society and education: Actions of a priest called Demócrito Mendes de Barros, in the city of Serrinha, state of Bahia, from 1952 to 1999.




SANTOS, Gildenor Carneiro dos. Religion, society and education: Actions of a priest called Demócrito Mendes de Barros, in the city of Serrinha, state of Bahia, from 1952 to 1999. 2006. 135 f. Thesis (Doctoral) - Faculdade de Educação, Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo, 2006. I focus on a priest, himself a teacher, and try to show that he acted socialy by organizing social groups, like the Rural Labor Sindicate and the Mixed Cooperactive of Farm Laborer of Serrinha, because he was an educator. Objectives: 1) To identify the contributions of father Demócrito to Serrinha Society; 2) To verify the educational characteristics present in his actions; 3) To register the social alterations that happened between 1950 and 1992; 4) To verify the relation between social alterations and the educational actions of father Demócrito. By reading mainly works of Celso de Rui Beisiegel, Paulo Freire and Luiz Eduardo Wanderley, in order to make the theoretical foundation of this work, I characterize the educator, differentiating him from the professional teacher, and I intend to explain about social movements and about the influence of Catholic Church on social movements in Northeast. I try to answer the question whether the multiple roles played by Demócrito Mendes de Barros in Serrinha society, Bahia state, acting as a priest, as a social organizer and as a teacher, are expressions of an educator. In this research I used oral information, documentary, journalistic and iconographic sources. It is shown the significant role played by educators in organizing society. Several of his characteristics are raised, conclusions about the way educators are formed are obtained, meaningful registers about Serrinha educational history are made, and Demócrito Mendes de Barros is included in the trajectory of the political parties in the dominant groups of this city.


história da educação educação na bahia catholic churc educador history of education organizações sociais social organizations transformações sociais. education in bahia. social transformation. educator igreja católica

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