Religião, educação e solidariedade: um estudo dos pressupostos antropológicos de Hugo Assmann




Religion, Education and Solidarity is a work which looks for, through Hugo Assmann anthropologic motives, elaborating a content that may help thinking an education for solidarity. For that, it was necessary and extremely important a deep search about Assmann written. Material in arder to develop the central idea of our work: the human vision defended by our author. By this anthropologic idea, it was possible to check the different points of view about human beings, with whom the economics models, "real socialism" and "neoliberalism", work. It was algo possible to conclude that the two models anthropology has a reducted human conception; which means that socialism sees human being as naturally sympathetic, while "neoliberalism" sees human being as naturally selfish. According to Assmann, the way "neoliberalism" sees human beings brings great effects real to the realization of possible social projects. This way, the idea of an anthropology which conceives human beings as beings of necessities and wishes, leading itself to other dimensions, for instance, the ambiguity, the contingence and at last and ative self organized system, centered in the "alive body" gives space for a new human being comprehension which allows to think about a being with improvement possibility. From this point, we ve developed thoughts esteems of knowledge conversion, ethjc conversion and religious conversion as a bet to be inserted in the teaching leaming process, due to the emergency of an education which tum the person into someone more human in its relations with others


solidariedade teologia educacao assmann, hugo 1933- -- critica e interpretacao

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