Relevo, processos geoecológicos e sócio/reprodutores e a fragilidade ambiental da bacia do ribeirão Piracicamirim/SP / Relief, geoecological processes, social-reproducing processes and environmental fragility in the Piracicamirim Basin/SP




This study had the objective of showing that the shapes of the relief seen in the Piracicamirim Basin/SP translate the genetic dependence of all set of structures that articulate themselves in the geosystem of the landscape of this geographic unit, having thus great importance as indicators of the precedent dynamic and of its actual situation, this been the reason why its study was taken as fundamental not only to explain the evolution of the area geoecological processes but also as a north, and therefore a subside to the future (re)planning of the referred basin. The choice of this particular basin justifies itself for its meso-scale, which places itself methodologically as adequate to the studies of tendencies, processes and behavioral standards. The elaboration of the morphodynamic chart as methodology of research resulted from the intention of evaluating the relative participation of the relief in the dynamic of the processes as well as of the goal of identifying the levels of environmental fragility.The study proved that the dynamic of the shapes of relief and the acquired properties in their genesis determined the evolution of the geoecological and social- reproducing processes seen in the area ; reinforced the adequation of the systematic perspective and its materialization in a chart synthesis to geomorphological studies with the technical intension of subsidizing territorial planning; reassured the resultant risks of the adoption, to the study of complex realities, of exclusively analytical approaches; made critic elements in relation to empiric and computational approaches of geomorphologic cartographing available; identified the relation relief/soil/use of the land like the principal one to answer to environmental fragility of the basin; made the tool that can subsidize the necessary public actions of rural/urban (re)planning and of environmental education of the area.


social-reproducing processes processos geoecológicos fragilidade ambiental relief geoecological processes relevo environmental fragility processos sócio-reprodutores

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