Relaxamento mental, imagens mentais e espiritualidade na re-significação da dor simbolica da morte de pacientes terminais




This qualitative research, based in the biopsychossocial and spiritual conception of human being, studied if the specific Terminal Patient’ s Psychotherapy, composed by the integration of the techniques of Mental Relaxation and Mental Images with the conception of Spirituality, re – signify or not the Death Symbolic Pain, with is represented by the Psychic Pain and Spiritual Pain. Took part in this study, five women with cancer, without cure’s possibility. The method used in this research was Case’ s Study Clinical Longitudinal. The results indicated that in the beginning of the stage without cure’ s possibility the Psychic Pain and the Spiritual Pain are in the same level and in the finale of this stage, before the imminent death, the Spiritual Pain is more important of the Psychic Pain and is enough its re – significance to a good death. We concluded that the patients acquired Quality of Life in the dying process and a good death with dignity and serenity through this specific kind of Terminal Patient’ s Psychotherapy: Mental Relaxation, Mental Images and Spirituality.


perda (psicologia) luto doentes terminais. psicoterapia breve

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