Relations between design and Suassuna s Armorial / As relações entre Design e o Armorial de Suassuna




A study of the Movimento Armorial with emphasis to visual arts and design proposals, starting from the visual work, discourse and objectives of Ariano Suassuna, founder and protagonist of this artistic and cultural movement from Pernambuco, aroused in the 1970s, who aims to produce an erutide art based on popular culture. Historical contextualization and approach to Suassunas intellectual universe; the creation of his armorial imagery. Analysis of Suassunas iluminogravuras (illustrated poetry) and his Alfabeto Sertanejo, typeface designs inspired by livestock branding irons from the Northeast of Brazil. Brief history and basic shapes of these irons. Studies of other typeface designs drawing from the same cultural manifestations. A selection of designs related to the Movimento Armorial, with special regard to those making use of livestock branding irons inspired typefaces


iluminogravuras desenho industrial armorial movement iluminogravuras sertão fonte tipográfica ariano suassuna design brasileiro type face sertão ariano suassuna brazilian design movimento armorial ferro-de-marcar branding iron

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