Relações entre empreendedorismo, formulação de estratégias e desempenho em micro e pequenas empresas


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




The municipality of Ilhota - SC has an APL underwear and beach which started its history for over 20 years in the mid 80s. Since then, developed into a large volume of companies working for this segment. Among these firms, 59 are highlighted by focusing on the development of brands, products and outlets, with factory outlets along the highway SC 470, in direct contact with his audience the ultimate consumer. And that is because of this characteristic that originated the desire to make this work, which included the participation of 56 companies responding, in 95% of the population chosen. To understand how the formation of APL has developed and understand its current stage, this study intends to relate the entrepreneurial motivations, according to the methodology Kuratko, Naffziger, Hornsby (1997), profiles entrepreneurs, according to Miner (1998), their ways of formulating strategies, according to the theory of Mintzberg (1973) and perceptions of organizational financial performance of their ventures, as Naman; Slevin (1993). To achieve these objectives, the research was designed in five steps and analysis in six. In the first stage of the research characterized the entrepreneurs and enterprises. Prevailed females, who ranged in age from 20 to 40 years, between academic school and college, yet most of sociofounders, acting more in financial management and sales management in enterprises characterized at most as micro- family run, with a model of marketing where the predominant selling through its own store and selling mixed with the performance of sales representatives. Only 12.5% of the companies export up to 25% of production, on average, mostly by mail. The study also realize four groups with well-established relationships between variables, and what stood out was the group with predominant profile in super-salesman, with how to formulate strategies entrepreneur, motivated by extrinsic factors, intrinsic and autonomy and independence, with perceived organizational financial performance on indicators of return on investment, return on shareholders capital and ability to fund growth through earnings. The second group was highlighted with the predominant complex in entrepreneurial director with super-salesman, in order to formulate adaptive strategies, motivated by four entrepreneurs motivational factors: autonomy and independence, safety and welfare of the family, extrinsic and intrinsic motivators, and the perception of organizational financial performance on the indicator of return on shareholders capital. It was concluded that these groups are prevalent in full compliance with the incremental growth that is occurring in APL Islet, where the entrepreneurial supersalesperson prevailed, explaining the marketing model in place and because of the prevalent modes of formulating strategy, entrepreneur and adaptive means the reasons for an incremental growth, but with some risk of appeal, seeking to innovate in the presentation and products. To cooperate in the growth, it is noteworthy that the strongest predictors among the entrepreneurs surveyed fall on return on investment and ability to finance growth, reinforcing an entrepreneurial attitude mature, focused on the development of business and personal and professional fulfillment


perfil empreendedor motivações estratégias desempenho administracao empreendedorismo; planejamento estratégico entrepreneurial profile motivations strategy performance

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