Relações de referencia e aplicações / Recurrent relations and applications




This study is about Recurrence Relations and some of their methods of resolution. We tried to generate an easy-to-read-text which stimulates the reader to proceed and to deepen his study about this subject. Three resolution methods with their theorems and demonstrations were studied: the method for first order recurrences, the characteristic root method and the generating function method. We seek to bring examples solved using the theorems stated. To some problems, new resolution techniques were introduced in order to enrich the work and show the reader the existence of different approach forms to solve a recurrence relation. We concluded that the formulation of recurrence relations is a powerful and versatile tool in the resolution of combinatorial problems. Therefore, it becomes na obligatory subject to those who adventure in the study of Discrete Mathematics


funções geradoras recurrence relations analise combinatoria combinatorial analysis generating functions relações de recorrencia

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