Relações Brasil-índia (1947-1964): a descolonização dos enclaves portugueses




The purpose of this dissertation is to analyze the first period of the relations between Brazil and India. A preliminary historical observation of the relations between the two countries allows its division in two main theme periods: the first, started after the Indian independence, in 1947, characterized by the diplomatic tension caused by the discussions among the decolonization of the Portuguese enclaves in India, of which the most important and known was Goa; and the second, beginning with the creation of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development - UNCTAD, in 1964, and with the direction changing implemented by the new Indian government, initiated in 1966. The fundamental and central question of this work refers to the Brazilian participation in the dispute between Portugal and India, having as a particular focus to investigate in which way the tension between those nations influenced and became the principal theme of the relations between Brazil and India at that time. The Brazilian participation in the case was of great importance. After the rupture of the diplomatic relations between Portugal and India, Brazil started to represent the Portuguese interests in that country. During the whole process of fourteen years of tense diplomatic negotiations, with intense debates also at the UN, Brazil started to play a Double game, by one hand connected to Portugal by historical reasons and by the Treaty of Friendship and Consult, of 1953, and, by the other hand, searched to consolidate its image among the countries of the Afro-Asian group. This dissertation searches, through the methodology of the history science, to elaborate an sketch of the history of the relations between Brazil and India prioritizing the first period that is referred to the post-war era, final of the decade of the 40s, to the decade of the 50s and to the beginning of the decade of the 60s -, which, after the analysis of the most relevant aspects of the relations between the nations, might be characterized by a period in which the commercial trade was very low and in which the theme of the decolonization of the Portuguese enclaves in India was very delicate and corrosive.


relacoes i?internacionais, bilaterais e multilaterais goa relações brasil-Índia descolonização brazil-india relations pós-guerra enclaves portugueses goa post-war era decolonization portuguese enclaves

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