Relacionamentos no capricho: as metáforas conceptuais dos amores juvenis / Relationships in Capricho magazine: the conceptual metaphors of young love


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




Admitting the diversity of representations on loving relationships, this study aims to determine the concept of love that exists in press materials, mainly magazines, checking if there is a kind of relationship privileged nowadays in media projects for youngsters. In order to achieve this, it counts on the contributions of Cognitive Linguistics, particularly the Conceptual Metaphor Theory (Lakoff and Johnson, 1980 e 1999; Kövecses, 2000, 2002 e 2005), establishing a dialogue with studies of Sociology and Anthropology (Giddens, 1993; Bauman, 2001, 2004 and 2005; Almeida and Tracy, 2003; Araújo and Castro, 1977, Rezende and Coelho, 2010, among others) that focus on the emotions and / or romantic relationships. Previously beheld as a mere ornament of language, metaphor is now considered a cognitive phenomenon, the result of the experiences shared by a certain group of people. Thus, studying this phenomenon provides a better understanding of human beings and their feelings, as well as it helps to perceive critically how social groups frame the world. During the process of the analysis of the metaphors and also the ways of conceptualizing love, the socio-anthropological studies mentioned before were fundamental, allowing a greater visualization of contemporary loving behaviors. The corpus comprises articles from Capricho Magazine. They were selected during a twelve-month period. These articles dealt with love relationships. On the magazine issues considered, this work found out that, in most cases, the metaphors indicated that love was conceptualized as a business and as a trip, confirming the vision of a society ruled by market relations and utilitarianism, as well as the imperative of the movement to which young people are submitted. There was also room for other conceptualizations, which also showed that the relationships are fluid, immediate, and useful until the time it is convenient. Accepting commitment would mean to give up an immediate pleasure and individual freedom for the other and it is not worth the risk due to the uncertainty of the future


linguistica linguística cognitiva metáfora conceptual antropologia sociologia relacionamentos amorosos cognitive linguistics conceptual metaphor anthropology sociology loving relationships

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