Relação terapêutica: uma análise dos comportamentos de terapeuta e cliente em sessões iniciais de terapia / Therapeutic relation: an analysis of behavior of therapist and client in initial sessions of therapy


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




Having in view the importance of client-therapist relationship in psychotherapy, this study proposes to identify, empirically, the occurrence of a behavior therapist and his client in early sessions of psychotherapy, videotaped and analyze the possible effects of these behaviors in the establishment of the therapeutic relationship. The patients verbal behaviors vocal and vocal non-verbal have been categorized in the initial five sessions of therapy via the observational method of audio-visual. These recordings have been performed at the Institute for Behavior Therapy Clinical Psychology laboratory, in the University of Sao Paulo. The behavior of the therapist and the client were categorized according to the System for Multidimensional Categorization Behaviors in the therapist-client interaction (SMCCIT). Beside this instrument, we performed a bibliographic review on the therapeutic relationship, and also on the research reports of categorization of therapy sessions in order to assist in identifying therapist behaviors, favoring the therapeutic relationship.The results indicate that the categorization of the most frequent categories of vocal verbal behavior of the therapist are: Facilitation (FAC: 31.2%), Empathy (EMP: 24.1%) and Request for Report (SER: 18.4%). Now, with regard to the categories of vocal verbal behavior of the client, there was a prevalence of reporting categories (REL: 61.1%), Agreement (COM: 21.9%) and Relations (CER: 8.1%). In relation to the categories of non-vocal verbal behavior, there was a prevalence of agreement for both. However, for the therapist, this category had a higher frequency. This categorization of the behaviors of the therapist and the client is a contribution to the evolution of empirical research in the therapeutic context and for a better understanding of the consequences of these behaviors for effective therapy. Therefore, in general, there was congruence between the patterns found in the therapeutic relationship in the five sessions and descriptions of the literature on the subject area. However, it was possible to note, by observing the sessions, that there are other behaviors of the therapist and client, appointed by the literature as favorable for the establishment of the therapeutic relationship beyond those possible identified by SMCCIT. These behaviors are related to the characteristics of the therapist and client. Finally, the creation of new categories that allow investigations related to these aspects of the behavior of the therapist and the client involved with the establishment of the therapeutic relationship is suggested


categorização de comportamentos categorization of behaviors client cliente relação terapêutica terapeuta therapeutic relationship therapist

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