Relação médico-paciente e a morte




To be a doctor, in this period, at the tuming of the millenniumseems to be more challenging: if on one side there is an increase of technical demands, larger amount of knowledge, technological perfectionism has algo increased the emotional demands being expected from this gentile and cordial relationship, propitiating a softy climate and trust to the patient. In time of humanization in the hospital space and search of total quality and health, it is necessary to contemplate about the doctorpatient relationship and insolubility of the hospital space. The objective of the present research is to understand what happens in the relationship doctor-patient-death from that were most doctor s point of view. IdentifYingthe preferential mechanisms and the defenses used can select the facilitative attitudes of this relationship that research was developed at the Hospital of Clinics of Uberlândia. The data were collected and analyzed through semi-structured interviews and according to kleinian Psychoanalysis. We observed the following results from patients interviews: emotional suffering, chemical dependence, psychosomatic complaints, depression and suicide. This vulnerability is attributed, partir, to the medical formation; as much, the course as the profession they present high toxicity in psychological terms. The doctor s constant coexistence with significant losses, not just death from the emotional point of view, seems to tum him/her more psychologically vulnerable. To traiu this professional for the understanding and the handling of the transferential mechanisms that arrear in this relationship seem to be a facilitative factor to preserve the use of mechanisms of defense adaptatives and effective in the protection of the doctor s mental health. We considered the existence of possible spaces to legitimate the offer of basic caTeto the mental health of the doctor, such as, disciplines in the program of under graduate, individual and groups psychological cessions, supervision and workshops in scientific conferences, fundamental


medico e paciente familia e morte psicologia morte identidade medica

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