Relação entre qualidade de ensino e legislação educacional: um município catarinense em análise




The object of investigation of this study is the relationship between teaching quality and educational legislation. It is linked to the line of research public policies and educational practices, and the research group curriculum and assessment of public policies of the PPGE of the University of Vale do Itajaí UNIVALI. It seeks to analyze the extent to which the educational legislation in the period 1998-2008 contributed to improving educational quality in elementary school education in the municipal district of Timbó, SC. It is a qualitative study, which uses the methodology of document analysis based on content analysis. The content and document analyses enabled the construction of synthetic tables for analysis, which resulted in the identification of 195 separate legislations, categorized as follows: 35 complementary laws, 78 ordinary laws, and 82 decrees. Two basic categories were found: administrative and technicalpedagogical. In the administrative category, ten themes were classified as objects of the legislation, defined as subcategories: Financial Support, Jobs and Salaries, Committees, Staff Recruitment, partnerships, budget, and other matters. For the technical-pedagogic category, just one subcategory was identified: training for teaching practice. Although in quantitative terms, these 195 titles appeared to be a very high number for a small town, at least in terms of the population and the demand for school places, one could argue that this legislation is crucial for improving the teaching quality and guaranteeing certain constitutional rights of the citizens of the town studied. It should be noted that the legislation per se does not guarantee teaching quality, but in some cases, it is a legitimate tool to support in this effort. The qualitative correlation of appendices B and D showed that the educational legislation identified in the town municipal district had a direct impact on teaching quality, especially in the elementary school system, given that an increase in school enrolment, increased investments on education, and better IDEB (Primary Education Index) and HDI indicators were identified, with indicators continually above those of the State of Santa Catarina State and the Nation as a whole. This research also identified the existence of career plan that places a strong emphasis on the Higher Education Degree by the teachers, as well as a policy of encouraging this educational process and increasing salaries


qualidade de ensino educacao educational legislation quality of education legislação educacional sistema de ensino teaching system

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