Relação entre os sinais clínicos da fissura de palato submucosa e a sintomatologia específica: uma abordagem preventiva. / Relationship between the clinical signs of submucous cleft palate and the specific symptomatology: a preventive approach.




Objective: Point out the prevalence and anatomic functional findings of submucous cleft palate (SCP) with surgical indication in relation to the symptomatic aspect by giving importance to diagnosis and follow-up of patients evolution in a preventive approach. Pattern: Prospective study, haphazard samples. Setting: Rehabilitation Hospital of Craniofacial Anomalies, University of São Paulo, Bauru, Brazil. Subjects: Fifty patients with submucous cleft palate (SCP) with no other complications and seven patients with alterations only in the uvula, all of them ranging in age from 1 year 8 months to 3 years 10 months. Main Outcome Measures: Assessment and description on the presence of specific clinical signs of SCP and the association with symptomatology. Interventions: Evaluation of articulatory aspects and clinical examination. Results: As for the clinical signs 25 patients (50%) were identified with the classic triad and 25 (50%) with 1 or 2 clinical signs. Out of 50 cases of SCP, 10 (20%) were symptomatic and 40 (80%) asymptomatic. There was an association between the presence of classic triad and symptomatology (p=0,011). It was also observed a correlation of symptomatic cases and presence of a translucid area (p=0,005) as well as a notch (p=0,029). Hipernasality was present in 100% of symptomatic patients. Most of 41 patients with pre foramen cleft searched for treatment in the first months of life due to cleft lip and showed 7,3% of symptomatic cases. In contrast, 6 out of 9 patients with isolated SCP searched for treament very late due to speech complaints and 77,7% of this group were symptomatic. Conclusion: It is essential to improve knowledge of clinical signs and symptoms of SCP among professionals involved in health services so that the diagnosis and definition of procedures can take place in time.


submucous cleft palate fissura de palato cleft palate fonoaudiologia preventiva fissura de palato submucosa preventive speech pathology

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