Relação entre empresas florestais e comunidades do entorno: proposta para superação de conflitos / Relations between forest companies and communities of around: proposal for overcoming of social conflicts




The work discuss social demands presents in the brazilian forestry, which posses a land concentrative model. The focus is on the irregular withdrawal of wood the forest plantings for the communities of around, that they demand for work and job. The methodology was based in the participant observation of the research action and in exploratory research. As work hypothesis is had that, starting from the perspective of the new economical sociology, that it explains as they settle down the bows, obligations and moral commitments in the change relationships (to give-receive- reward), it is believed that there is possibility of the encounter that allows the complementary sustainability between the forest companies and the rural communities of the around, in reason of the high demand for work, job and income and front to the risks created by the conflict situation in the irregular withdrawal of wood. The process that favored the model concentrative in the production of forests felt in a political context, technician, economical, legal and of market, being delineated by the technological innovation (obtaining of short fiber), for the politics macroeconomics guided by BNDES, for the wood shortage in the market (supplied by rural producers), for the legal obligation of assisting to the solemnity-supply plan (Second Forest Code) and for the sensibility characteristic at the cost of transport of the wood in log. The main demands originated in the structuring of that model are linked to the entrance of rural producers in the wood production, to the resolution of conflicts with traditional populations and to the service to the demands for work and job in the communities of the around of the forest projects. Regarding the that finishes demand and the conflict situations for the irregular withdrawal of the wood, a chaotic scenery so much is verified for forest companies as for the communities, with costs and risks for both. The conflict around the irregular withdrawal of wood is contradictory and his overcoming requests a new synthesis in the relationship among those actors. The construction of mediated proposals and actions of research intervention it participate can be constituted in a proposal, in the search for the construction of a methodology, that longs for to delineate the dimensions of the complemental sustainability between the key industries and those communities. It is waited that the proposed model, of use in commodate of the forest areas under negative pressure, when generating work, job and income in a worthy way, give begin to the one new cycle of reciprocities between the forest companies and the communities. This model, in alternative scenery, makes possible the convergence of the actions of social responsibility with the operational activities of the forest companies. The internal goods of that practice can also join value to the actions of social responsibility. The aspects that influence the overcoming of the conflict in the scenery of the chaos are linked to adoption of new concepts of economy and society, by dialogue and overrun of structural difficulties implicit in contexts that historically were present in the formation of the land concentrator model. The participation of the state, as the main mediator in the proposed model, is needed so that the issue of conflict is treated as a specific public policy.


social conflicts comunidade floretal manejo florestal social management conflito gestão social forestry management gestão florestal forest communities

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