RelaÃÃes entre funcionamento cognitivo e dificuldades em matemÃtica no transtorno de dÃficit de atenÃÃo e hiperatividade (TDA/H) em alunos do ensino fundamental / Relationships between cognitive functioning and mathematical difficulty in the Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) in students fundamental teaching




Several studies have been showing that the Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) has a significant relationship with a bad school performance and some studies believe that this difficulty is specific to the mathematics skills. Others studies reveals that a persons with ADHD present some specific deficits regarding his cognitive profile of functioning. The present study investigated the neuropsychological functioning profile of children with ADHD and tried to establish relationships between these deficits and the mathematical school activity of such children. This study used a exploratory approache and began with the study of four children diagnosed with ADHD, having a group of 16 children as a parameter of comparison in the same school level, without a ADHD diagnosis. The cognitive functioning of these children was investigated through the application of a battery of psychological tests and neuropsychological tests widely used inside and out of Brazil, that is characterized by compromising the concentrated attention, of the cognitive flexibility, of the operational memory, as well as by visuospatials deficits. The mathematical school activity of these children was valued from there performance in a novel designed instrument of questions from different tools of national evaluation and regional extent, especially the instruments SAEB and NAPE, and building on the PCNs (National Curriculum Parameters). Indeed, the results found in this investigation allowed to realize that most of the mistakes committed by the children with ADHD are associated to neuropsychologicals deficits of these childrenâs, such as mistakes committed by trouble in the maintenance of the atencional focus and inhibitory control, difficulties in the storage of relevant informations used in the problem resolution, such as difficulties in the visuospatials organization. The analysis of these results support that the cognitive difficulties presented by these childrenâs in the mathematical school activity are of procedural nature. Knowledge from part of the mathematics teachers about the cognitive alterations that follows the ADHD, can become an important tool in a proposition for a new classroom systematic and / or evaluation, allowing these teachers to guides his pupils with educative special necessities by other ways, looking to turn the discrepancies into overcoming


transtorno de dÃficit de atenÃÃo e hiperatividade psicologia cognitiva psychology of the mathematical education psicologia da educaÃÃo matemÃtica attention deficit hyperactivity disorder neuropsychological learning neuropsicologia da aprendizagem

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