RelaÃÃes de gÃnero: as formas de enunciaÃÃo da identidade da mulher na mÃdia jornalÃstica




The present paper has as its objective to make an enunciative-discursive analysis on how one constructs the female identity in the discourses about women, published by different scopes of social activities, in the main newspapers of four capitals of the northeast region, particularly on the space destined to opinion matters. Considering that the newspaper, by conceding space for the broadcasting of different opinions that express the appreciative accents of such scopes, gives visibility to these scopes, allowing them to expose their points of views, inform and model public opinion, it was also analyzed the ethical issues implied in the meanings produced in the discourses which have, as guiding thematic axis, the ethical acts of dignity, justice and freedom. The corpora were made by ninety-seven texts â among editorials and opinion texts â published in six newspapers of four capitals of the Northeast Region, two of which from Recife - PE (DiÃrio de Pernambuco and Jornal do Commercio), two from JoÃo Pessoa - PB (O Norte and Correio da ParaÃba), one from Maceià - AL (Gazeta de Alagoas) and one from Fortaleza - CE (DiÃrio do Nordeste). It was selected the texts that treat, directly, of the feminine thematic on the celebration date of Woman International Day. These texts were classified and distributed into eight variables: Politics Scope (T1), Journalistic Scope (T2), Academic Scope (T3), Juridical Scope (T4), Religious Scope (T5), Common Sense Scope (T6), Social Movements Scope (T7) and Health Scope (T8). The corpora of these variables, submitted to a computerized statistics-mathematics processing (Program STABLEX), were described and interpreted by quantiqualitative approaches: (1) Camlong (1996)âs Method of Lexical, Textual and Discursive Analysis, (2) Philosophic-Dialogic Bakhtinian Theory, including concepts such as, Ethic Act, Dialogism, Appreciative Accent; and (3) theoretical approaches about the relationship of Genre and Identity. It is concluded that the analyzed scopes of social activities construct a double identity for the woman: (1) of the emancipated woman, who is recognized by her strength and courage in the conquest of her rights, her struggles to change inequalities between gender. There is the acknowledgment of her rising, every time greater in the working market, being characterized like active, participative, dynamic, autonomous, independent of the opposite gender, actor of her own actions. Even so, separating the characteristics opposite those of man, which limit her acting in the public space. Moreover, another identity as (2) the woman victimized, by both male violence acts of physical strength as well as symbolic ones. The opposition to man occurs in the politics fields, in the moral aspect of behavior and action. At the same time, politics is appointed as a non-adequate space for the woman due to her moral qualities, making her return to her home, where her moral would be preserved. The conquest of freedom configures, for the woman, her autonomy in relation to her own choices. The womanâs identity is constructed, thus, in the dialogic hit of appreciative accents that sometimes configure antagonistic feminine images and sometimes complement one another, as far as these images compound the proper heterogeneity of the womanâs identity that is being constructed. It is also concluded that the newspaper acts ethically to promote the discussion among the several axiological positions built in the different scopes; positions that sometimes converge sometimes diverge of the path that the woman has run through for the creation of her identity in society


midia identidade linguistica genero discurso identity discourse media gender

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