Regulation of insulin secretion in islets from rats submitted a low protein diet and leucine supplementation / Regulação da secreção de insulina em ilhotas de Langerhans de ratos submetidos a restrição proteica e suplementados com leucina




We think that intra-uterine mal nutrition and after birth produce morphological and changes in endocrine pancreas and in peripheric tissue that translate insulinopenia and insulin resistance. Based on these complications we have evaluated in this work the insulin secretion regulation in Langerhans islets from rats and mice fed a low protein diet and supplemented with leucine. The leucine supplementation hasn t changed the diet in the hybrid ingest and body weight but has changed important biochemistry standards as glucose (G) and FFA in malnutrition animals. The insulin receptor phosphorilation and its substract have been changed in liver and musc1e leading to an increase in glicemic homeostase in malnutrition rats. The glucose metabolism in control and malnutrition rats islets had one reduction after supplementation. B cells potential membranes were restored; the citoplasmatic ca1cium movement and insulin secretion were stimulated by glucose and leucine. They have showed an increased in islets of control and malnourished rats and mice islets. Some alterations have also occurred in the citoplasmatic protein eletrophoretic profile after leucine supplementation in rats islets. The genetic and protein expression from key enzymes in the insulin cascade signalization as: IR; IRS-l; PI3K; mTOR and S6K-l have altered in leucine supplementation answer in malnutrition islets rats favoring growth pathways specially PI3K increase which resulted in an increasement of control and malnutrition rats islets activity. In the end we can conc1ude that the leucine supplementation has promoted peripheric sensibilization in liver and muscle in specific tissue manner. This confirms one glicemic homeostase regulation in distinct manner among control and malnutrition both supplemented animals. Furthermore they lead the metabolic signals produced by leucine should promote their effects in Langerhans islets throw sensor ways: GDH which controls glutaminolisis and on the otherhand is PI3K that should do its role activating growth pathways throw mTOR. These two sensors should work in synergism participating in citosolic concentration changes of ca1cium ions mainly in malnutrition animals islets, which were supplemented


glucose desnutrição calcio glicose calcium islands of langerhans leucina leucine malnutrition ilhotas de langerhans

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