Regulamentação do sistema financeiro: a contribuição para a promoção do desenvolvimento equilibrado do país.




This research has analyzed the regulation of the National Financial System, in order to verify if it contributes effectively to the development of the country, in the terms defined by the Federal Constitution of the Federative Republic of Brazil. As a theorical reference for data analysis, we retook the discussion of the classical conception of financial intermediation, to which the banking activity would be passive in the determination of the real economy variables, and the postkeynesians, that from the bank capacity of creating currency, defend the idea that the Financial System s role in the economic growth surpasses the mere allocation of saved resources by family units. The researches consisted in the analysis of laws and regulations concerning five chosen items in the financial system, and in verifying the corresponding observed results in the country s economy. The conclusion was that the regulation attends preferentially to the capital interests, and that it doesn t contribute to the development of the country or to providing good financial services to the society.


crescimento econômico financial system regulamentação regulation regulação investment sistema financeiro development economic growth desenvolvimento investimento administracao financeira

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