Regulagem em tempo-real de um sistema integrado de semáforos : uma aplicação de redes neurais recorrentes e controle adaptativo




Traffic light is a device for controlling traffic which, by means of colorful lights, alternates the right of vehicles to go across junctions of two or more roads, with the objective of improving the flow of vehicles, in terms of fluidity and safety. To do that, it is necessary for it to be well regulated. The regulation of traffic lights aims at establishing the best cycle time, which is the necessary time for the complete sequence of the green, yellow and red lights of a traffic light to try to enhance the road, through the maximization of the network flux capacity, the minimizing of the traffic negative impact on the environment and the decrease of the journey. A viable alternative is that the traffic controller, which is the equipment that commands the traffic light, could have the cycle time established according to the vehicle flux conditions in an automatic way, by means of a Recurrent Artificial Neural Network and Adaptable Controller, which is the theme proposed in this work.


sistemas de computacao controle adaptativo recurrent neural networks adaptable controller semáforos redes neurais recorrentes traffic lights

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