Regression models for growth description of the irrigated and unirrigated pruned coffee tree / Modelos de regressão para descrição do crescimento do cafeeiro irrigado e não irrigado após recepa




The irrigated coffee crop grown has expanded throughout the national territory, especially where production is more significant as Minas Gerais, Espirito Santo and São Paulo. Thus, irrigation has been a great producer ally, because, if well conducted, has reduced losses and increased profitability. The aim of this study was to test the linear and nonlinear mixed-effects models as an alternative for assessing the canopy diameter growth of coffee under different irrigation management schemes. We used data from an experiment conducted in the UFLA Engineering Department. The design was a randomized block. The canopy plant growth was measured periodically over 1100 days. It was observed that nonlinear logistic and Gompertz models are suitable for describing the canopy diameter growth of coffee and the use of mixed effect models is feasible for linear and nonlinear fitted models. The nonlinear models are preferred because its parameters have biological meaning.


regressão polinomial nonlinear regression diâmetro de copa estatistica ajuste de curvas mixed model regressão não linear polynomial regression modelo misto plant canopy growth curve fitting

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