Regional Television in Vale do Paraíba SP: expansion, audience aspects and local insertion modes / TV REGIONAL NO VALE DO PARAÍBA - SP: expansão, aspectos da audiência e modos de inserção local




Research about the communication networks regionalization, in special the television, phenomenon that represents a reality of mass media communication segmentation. The goal is to analyse and to classify the regional broadcast stations with regard to their local insertion modes, observing their specificities, the set of programs, communication strategies and actions in order to conquest the identity with the community where they are installed, besides to try comprehend how happened the television expansion in that region, since the implantation of the first broadcast station, in 1988, in São José dos Campos SP. As a part of study, the television broadcast stations of open signal in Vale do Paraíba, in the state of São Paulo, where selected. There were realized semi-open interviews with commercial and programming áreas and there where applyed questionnaires to a sample of the population of Vale do Paraíba, that represents the people who potentially watch television in the area that the broadcast satations reach, in order to identify the perception of the audience about the presence and performance of the local broadcast stations. It follows that the several local insertion modes of the broadcast stations directly affect the identity relationship between them and their spectators.(AU)


vale do paraíba mídia local audience modos de inserção vale do paraíba tv regional regional television insertion modes audiência local media comunicacao

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