Refrains, mantras and chaos: compossibility and contemplation in interactive art / Ritornelos, mantras e caos: compossibilidade e contemplaÃÃo na arte interativa


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




This research aims to restore, in the realms of cyberart, the notions of refrain, compossibility and contemplation, through the development of an interactive installation named Ritus. Based on the Deleuzian notion of refrain as an expressive material capable of creating territories, a study was conducted concerning repetition as an enabler of the difference in philosophy and contemporary art. The concept of compossibility was adopted as a narrative model to artistic processes based on computer programming. The question of contemplation in art was treated in order to conceive the possibility of a paradoxical contemplative situation in interactive works. Furthermore, a study was conducted about the potential of sonic material as a trigger of altered states of consciousness. Finally, was outlined the genesis path of the installation Ritus, based on an interactive environment in which sound and image repeated in loops are actualized by the interactor according its position in a room, evoking audiovisual contents captured on religious events performed in state of CearÃ.


artes arte e tecnologia arte interativa videoinstalaÃÃes(arte) arte e mÃsica arte e sociedade

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