Reforma agrária e preço justo : a indenização na desapropriação para fins de reforma agrária e possibilidades de ruptura do individualismo proprietário / João Paulo de Faria Santos




The following study discusses the theme of the fair price to be paid in indemnification for expropriation with social interest for the purposes of land reform. It reminds the collapse of the property speech from the Brazilian Empire in the nineteenth century, where Joaquim Nabuco, under the mantle of the abolitionist movement, brings the argument that national consciousness would be above the guarantee for owners to be compensated for their freed slaves. It compares this with the previous attempts in creating social function for rural private property in the Republic for the construction of land justice and effectiveness in the field of agrarian reform. Under the theoretical framework that the Law is dialectical and it emanates from historical struggles of social movements, tries to chart a progressive interpretation to the constitutional system of 1988 in order to release the amount paid for the damages in expropriations for agrarian reform of the unique parameter of the market when they are motivated by serious breaches of the social function in the labor and environmental spheres, such as environmental crimes or slave labor.


movimento abolicionista crimes ambientais direito constitucional social function of the rural property preço justo indemnification reforma agrária joaquim nabuco expropriation for agrarian reform desapropriação para fins de reforma agrária fair price slave labor. função social trabalho escravo environmental crimes indenização abolitionist movement joaquim nabuco

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