Reflexões sobre a visão biomédica e a visão holísitca no tratamento das lombalgias crônicas


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




The physiotherapy represents actually, in the medical field, therapeutic specialty which uses resources and approaches that include two sorts of medical rationalities: the biomedical and the holistic practice, in the context of health-disease-cure finds itself increasingly under discussion. Both classical physics (Cartesian Newton model) and quantum physics (bioenergetics model) are closely related to physiotherapy practice, this last one is still being investigated. Nowadays when we study the patients body, we should not study it as machine separated into parts, but observe it as a whole as an integrated system. Because the body tension acquisition results, in a multi factorial formation that urges an analysis of the individuals bio psychosocial environment. Then it emerges the need of investigating far these both biomedical and holistic therapies can contribute to heal the dysfunctions of the neuromuscular skeletal system presented by patients with chronic low back pain. Among these two types of rationality some patients respond better to treatment than others, even when it comes to the same pathology. The discussion and understanding of medical rationalities, as regards the treatment of low back pain are needed to guide better the patients to a more specific physiotherapy. The present study aimed to understand the approaches to the treatment of chronic low back pain under the focus of biomedical and holistic medicine in the context of physiotherapy. We conducted a literary review on online journals in the period from May to December 2010 using the key words: low back pain, chronic pain, physiotherapy, holistic therapies, mind-body therapies and biological models. It was also made in pursuit of thematic in dissertations, theses and books of renowned authors who bring about the theoretical theme. The analysis of which medical rationality and model to be used for the treatment of chronic low back pain this study of literature review, does not even get an outcome goal. This is a complex investigation and thorough review of how a pain such a subjective phenomenon behaves on the individual, this being inserted in a determined bio psychosocial context. The present study provides further discussion of this theme in finding the most effective and efficient treatment of chronic back pain. What we can observe is that in some situations the junctions of the two approaches, biomedical and holistic when applied at the same time have a greater resoluteness in controlling symptoms in patients. From the literature review, we can see that nowadays there is already a paradigm shift in the biomedical knowledge and rationalities that are not exclusively at the forefront within the health-illness-healing process.


dor lombar - dissertaÇÕes fisioterapia - dissertaÇÕes saude coletiva

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