Reflexões entre professores em blogs: aspectos e possibilidades.




This dissertation investigates the shared reflection about the teachers practice in diaries at some web environments, with emphasis in blogs, tryng to identify its forms of occurrence, implications with the world wide web and repercussions in their practices. For that, a qualitative research has been chosen, using the following instruments for data collection: participant observations in blogs, where the author of this work also becomes author of blogs and inserts itself actively in the communities of teachers-bloguers; interviews in electronic form; documental analysis, aiming to capture the singularities of the object focalized. That path was traced with the participation of teachers who keep blogs about their practice, in diverse regions of Brazil as well outside the coutry. We have approached the diaries as an instrument which, in the exercise of writing and register, alows for teachers reflection, serving as a guide for inquiry of the problems and conceptions for engaged teachers determined to transform the practice, with highlight to the access to the personal world of the teacher and the possibilities of a constant professional development. The Blogs are more than a simple technical apparatus, they are a social phenomenon, what it demanded a deep analysis about the characteristics and potentialities of that space, always with the optics the educative context. This insertion of the theachers in cyberespace directed the look to the singularities of the identity constructions in this context, confronting in this process, socially and historically constituted in the school, the cours, the society. These subjects are articulated in groups that they try to collaborate to find common solutions to common problems, forming networks towards the cooperative learning and collective intelligence. All these elements indicate there is a movement of inquietude among some teachers, what takes them to look into the cyberspace for a fertile environment to reflect with its pairs and to search for alternatives to construct new educations.


blogs cibercultura tecnologias da informação e da comunicação educacao reflexão docente novas educações education news cyberculture tecnologias educacionais teachers formation formação de professores communication and information technologies teacher reflection blogs educational technology

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