Reflective teaching practices in the subject of Hospital Management Nursing: an experience of professional empowerment of teachers-researchers. / "Prática docente reflexiva na disciplina de Administração em Enfermagem Hospitalar: uma experiência de desenvolvimento profissional de professores-pesquisadores"




This study aims to contribute to the teaching of the subject Hospital Management Nursing, through an experience of professional empowerment of teachers-researchers, using a critical-reflexive approach to their teaching practices. The study followed the action-research methods, in two stages: first, the “dilemma” situations teachers faced in the disciplinary training of students, were identified through the reflection about the “reflection-on-action” process, used by a teacher after daily supervision of students; second, all the teachers responsible for the classes during the data collection period, participated of “reflection circles”, using as starting point, the “dilemma” situations previously identified. Thematic content analysis of data obtained on these “reflection circles” revealed that reflection done among pairs turned objective the experiential knowledge of the teachers, and also made possible the construction of new pedagogic knowledge. This teaching knowledge was used to propose a change on the subject of Hospital Management Nursing for a graduation course.


competências para ensinar professional empowerment teachers-researchers professor-pesquisador saberes docentes teaching hnowledte desenvolvimento profissional prática reflexiva teaching skills reflexive practice

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