Reestruturação produtiva no setor de limpeza urbana de Salvador: repercussões sobre o trabalhador




The object of this research is to examine the productive restructuring process of the subsystem of urban sanitation in Salvador, from 1990 to 2009, with an emphasis on job size. It aims to examine the overall impact on workers and their conditions of work of restructuring the production subsystem of urban sanitation in Salvador, in the period 1990 to 2009, a process that involved the transfer of a public service under the direct responsibility of the municipal administration to a service under the responsibility of private companies held by government contracts, an increase of the phenomenon of outsourcing. Specific objectives are the description of the restructuring of this subsystem of, with the changes in labor relations originally under the aegis of public sector and its gradual transformation over outsourced jobs in the private sector, besides analyzing the perceptions of employees as to the effects of outsourcing on their working conditions. The methodology includes several features of qualitative research to account for the various dimensions of the problem studied, with documentary analysis of law applicable to the subsystem of urban sanitation in Salvador, analysis of information released by the labor union, as well as semistructured interviews with managers , Entrepreneurs and workers, which allowed the evaluation strategy of varying points of views collected, with their respective analysis. The research result showed the disintegration of public administration as a public service and some typical effects of the phenomenon of outsourcing, as well as the understanding that the employee has in this subsystem, round about the measures adopted to strengthen the private management and service concession referrals.


reestruturação produtiva setor de serviço serviço público saneamento básico gestão da limpeza urbana terceirização servico social productive restructuring process service sector public service basic sanitation management of urban sanitation outsourcing

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