Redes sociais, juventude rural e desenvolvimento local : apropriações de propostas de comunicação para o desenvolvimento em redes globalizadas pelos jovens do Cariri Cearense.


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




This paper aims to analyze the proposed appropriations of the Rede de Crianças e Adolescentes Comunicadores de Língua Portuguesa by young people of Nova Olinda, Ceará. Specifically, the objective is to understand how these Young, who lives in poverty, subjected to the contingent condition of access to material and social participation in rural spheres, use a proposal that defend the local development via communication strategies on a global social network. As theoretical and methodological framework, this research combines theories of Latin American School of cultural studies and studies of social networks in the information society via Manual Castells, Leila Christina Dias, Scherer-Warren, Néstor García Canclini, Maria Salett Tauk Santos, Jesús Martin-Barbero, Renato Ortiz and Stuart Hall. As in studies of new configurations of social movements through of the theories of Maria da Glória Gohn, Boaventura de Sousa de Santos and Eduardo Vizer. Theory of rural youth was approached through the conception of Elisa Guaraná de Castro, Maria José Carneiro and Maria de Nazareth Baudel Wanderley. In studies about culture and local development we adopted the prospects of Pedro Demo, Carlos Julio Jara, Maria Salett Tauk Santos and Angelo Brás Callou. Several techniques were used to collect data: documental research, bibliographical research, personal interview with recorder, semi-structured interview and ethnographic observation. In this perspective, the research shows that rural youth are built into the global dynamics of social networks. These, in turn, reshapes the social interactions and landscape studies of ruralities and youth. The study demonstrated that the technological mediations in such contexts are important, but still insufficient for the establishment and continuity of joint international actions in support of local development.


redes sociais juventude rural tecnologia da informação tecnologia da comunicação desenvolvimento local extensao rural social networks rural youth information technology communication technology local development

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