Redes sociais formadas no fenômeno do pânico em multidão: uma análise via simulação multiagentes / Social networks formed in the phenomenon of panic in the crowd: an analysis via multi-agent simulation


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




Complex Networks are used in several areas of knowledge. In Sociology, a notorious area which is increasingly attracting attention due to the popularity is the Social Networks. Not much is known about the structuring of these networks in a noninstitutionalizeds behaviors, called collectives behaviors. This paper proposes a conceptual model, which has not been studied before, based on simulation and multi-agent networks related to the social phenomenon of panic in the crowd in an applied fire. This model can be used to: (i) obtain a better understanding of the fundamentals that affect social behavior during collective panic, (ii) propose new structures or alternative social systems, checking the feasibility of its existence and operation. The conceptual model developed was implemented generating the computational model related to a multiagent simulation. In the end the simulations were performed and its data were analyzed, making possible to realize a validation of the models and conclude that, when agents are aware of their social network, they become more involved with the collective, feeling less nervous and being carefull before considering taking on unconventional behavior


simulação multiagentes redes sociais comportamento coletivo pânico em multidão multiagent simulation social network collective behavior panic in crowds outros

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