Redes sociais e ação coletiva: o caso da Nós Voluntários




The present study aims at approaching the theme of social networks, analyzing the history of social movements, the Brazilian social issue and the importance of pursuing new organizational alternatives for civil society. The research deals with concepts referring to non-governmental organizations and the third sector, based on authors such as Draibe, Dagnino, Doimo and Fernandes, among others. This study also deals with the concepts on social networks developed by Fontes, Martins and Scherer-Warren. In order to develop the present work, an empirical research took place in the network called Nós Voluntários, located in Canoas, Rio Grande do Sul, from interviews with representatives from 05 units out of 23, besides three NGOs that are part of the Nós Voluntários network. Nowadays, the concept of network is interpreted in a number of ways by several study fields, such as Geography, Administration and Sociology. A network exists when the instances are articulated in a way that makes available its services, when it has non hierarchical-flexible and light structure, and when it is able to count on collaborative participation


rede social social movements voluntariado organização não-governamental non-governmental organization movimento social terceiro setor social networks organização social ciencias sociais aplicadas trabalho voluntário

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