Redes fotonicas de comunicação : analise de desempenho de redes de difusão em configuração estrela e anel




Among the multiaccess technologies used in optical communications systems, the wavelength division multiaccess (WDMA) is the one that stands out because of the possibility of exploring all the available bandwidth in the low-loss region of signgle-mode optical fibers. This kind of technology can be also used with other technologies like TDMA, CDMA e SCMA to form hybrid systems and improve the maximum nwtwork capacity. In this work, we presented some physical topologies and a comparison of the performance of each of them in critical project aspects, such as: power budget, average propagation delay and amount of fiber required in the network. Two medium access protocols, for two kinds of topologies most used in optical networks, were simulated and analyzed. The studied protocols were selected to maximize the throughput and to minimize the average propagation delay of the nwtwork


redes de computação - protocolos redes locais de computação comunicações oticas

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