Redes de empresas em supermercados: um estudo das relações entre a empresa, seus concorrentes e seus fornecedores, na percepção dos empresários




The objective of this study is to analyse the relations between a company, its constestants and its suppliers in the companies networks under the perception of entrepreneurs. This analysis was based on the theoretical perspectives of the resource-based view, transaction costs economics and companies networks. This study focus on supermarkets in Passo Fundo, in the state of Rio Grande do Sul. The research is characterized by the quantitative nature with databank strategy, using the technic of collecting primary data by means of structured questionaire. It was made a test with 105 supermarkets, since that 40 supermarkets were associated to the companies networks and 65 were not associated to it. The associated supermarket represent four networks of companies: Super Útil, Super Passo, De Casa and Ponto Certo. In the analysis and interpretation of data it was used the descriptive and inferencial statistics (Pearsons correlation matrix, factorial analysis and significance test). The results reveal significant differences in terms of assets, in special, the relations of trust and cooperation that makes possible to create or enlarge the competitive advantages to companies, demonstrated through the company performance. The significant diffrences between the companies inside the networks and those that are outside it are observed in the relation between the concurrence and the suppliers. The relations of cooperation with the concurrence create benefits in purchasing and promotion activities, while the relations of cooperation with the suppliers occur with less intensity, probably due to the fact of networks are more horizontal than vertical. Otherwise, the results also indicate that the trust represents an strategic resource to companies, since that reinforces the relations of cooperation. This trust comes from the relations with the concurrence and supliers and it is based on the reputation, on the relation between owners, in the economic advantage and on the participation in associations. The competitive advantage of the companies is demonstrated in the evaluation of the company performance, revealing that the profit from the companies inside the networks are superior to the average from those of the supermarket segment. Finally, it is evident that the trust resource decreases transaction costs, which facilitates the cooperation between the companies, creating external resource to networks companies.


company networks trust supermarket administracao administração de empresas redes de empresas confiança cooperação supermercado cooperation

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