Recursos comunicativos utilizados por bebês em interação com diferentes interlocutores, durante processo de adaptação à creche: um estudo de caso / Communicative resources used by babies in the Interaction with different interlocutors during the process of adapting to the day-care center: a case study.




Studies have analyzed, understood and explained the way interactions happen at different ages, particularly in the first years of life, considering them with different partners and relating them to the global development of the child. Within the studies on interaction, language has been seen as extremely important in relationships between partners and to childrens development process. Nevertheless, the researches differ in assumptions when approaching different interlocutors (mother, nanny, sister, educators, coetaneous and cameraman). They are fragmented as well, investigating the child with a specific interlocutor, without considering the set of relationships. Moreover, the notion of language varies, with most researches restricting it to the oral aspect, whilst very few also contemplate different forms of expression and meaning apprehension (including non-oral language). Considering this aspects, it was decided to investigate, through a case study, which communicative and linguistic resources (oral and non-oral) are used by a baby in the first year of life, in interaction with different interlocutors (mother, father, caregivers, and other babies). The empirical data used was obtained from the Database of the Integrated Project Adaptation process of babies to the day-care center, which followed up the adaptation of 21 babies (4-14 months), at a university day-care center. After the approval by CEP, one baby was selected (Iraídes - 09 months) and the microgenetic transcription of all her interactive episodes in the first month in the day-care center was carried-out. Analysis was guided by the Network of Meanings theoretic-methodological perspective, besides the notion of interactive field. Through the selection of the interactive episodes with different partners, frames were built checking which communicative resources were used and if there were similarities or differences in the babys interaction with the different interlocutors. The results indicated twenty (20) different types of communicative resources of the baby with the different interlocutors. These resources happened differently between the different interaction partners. Integrated communicative means had a greater frequency in Iraídes interaction with all interlocutors, having been found 39 different communicative means in this category. The caregiver Mirtes obtained the largest number of different types of communicative means (12), whilst caregiver Branca obtained 05. The mother came in second place in the number of communicative means (10). Baby Isa was the interlocutor that had the smallest occurrence in the different communicative resources (03), whilst baby Linda had a larger number (06) of them. The babysitter had 08, the sister Dalila 06 and the cameraman José 05 different communicative means. The results show the multiplicity and abundant of types and characteristics of communicative means the baby can use in the relationship with different partners. Babies can begin an interactive episode and it is possible that babies have preferred partners in their interactions, both with the same age and adults. The importance of the day-care center is understood in the relationships and there is the need for new studies that highlight the communicative resources.


adaptação em creche. bebês interlocutores communicative resources language day-care center adaptation. interlocutors babies interação interaction linguagem recursos comunicativos creche day-care center

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