Recuperação escolar: discurso oficial e contidiano educacional - um estudo a partir da psicologia escolar / Summer school: official speech and educational quotidian - a study based on School Psychology




This study has the purpose to examine Summer School as a pedagogical strategy to support and help students that do not learn, based on Cultural-Historical Psychology theory. We highlight as the main aims of this research: a) establish a critical analysis, grounded on the concepts of school psychology, on the historical course of the implantation of Summer school programs on the public system in São Paulo and underlying learning conceptions and b) understand the repercussion of this action through the personal sensations of educators, parents and students, attributed to Summer school. With a qualitative characteristic, this research, in ethnographic patterns, used the following procedures: analysis of official documents of the State of São Paulo and of the Law for National Education Guidelines and Basis (LDB) (1961; 1971; 1996); participative observations in two Summer school classrooms; individual interviews with teachers, coordinators, principal and the mothers of the students; collective interviews with two groups of students and analysis of their drawings about Summer School, being all the participants regularly connected to the state system placed in the south of the city of São Paulo. The documental research accomplished with the purpose of compiling official publications, revealed that numberless Summer school plans have been pointed as "medicine" to educational problems along the history, and the investigation led us to the official document of the first Summer school program elaborated by Antonio D"Avilla, in 1936. The field research showed a huge distance between the official proposal and its fulfillment in school quotidian. The search for a meaning to the Summer School guided us to conclude that this practice configures more as a space of impossibilities than of potentialities. Summer school classrooms can cause in students and teachers, the harmful effect of the "do not know" crystallization, it results in teachers deposed from its function to teach and students that renounce their possibilities to learn. The Summer School practice indicates a camouflage and intended compensation before the non-accomplishment, in regular classrooms, of the main school purpose: the teaching and learning process. The conception about the fragility and discredit of the Summer School function was consensual among the participants of the research, pointing the annulling of the meaning of this pedagogic practice to all its actors: teachers, directors, parents and students. This study aims to be one more denunciation in the direction of the fight for quality education in the public Brazilian system and also an announcement of the possibility that parallel summer school and continuous recuperation, declared by official speeches as solutions, will give place to another process that the author ventures to call continuous learning, aiming, through mediation, to overcome difficulties and make possible the development of students inside regular classrooms, not in separate spaces, such as Summer School classrooms.


recuperação escolar school psychology políticas públicas public politics ensino fundamental psicologia escolar summer school elementary school

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